Nathan Morrison |
Brian Carroll |
ATUC delegates, Nathan Morrison (Secretary) and Brian Carroll (ex-President) featured on shmu radio on Friday 6th June, in a debate on Scottish Independence.
Nathan presented the "Better Together" arguments and Brian argued for a yes vote.
Click here to see who, if either of them, won the debate.
Station House Media Unit (
shmu), was established as a charity in 2003, is one of the core cultural organisations in Aberdeen, and is at the forefront of Community Media development in Scotland, supporting residents in the seven regeneration areas of the city in radio and video production, traditional and on-line publications, music production and digital inclusion.
The organisation also supports other disadvantaged communities, both geographic and communities of interest, with an employability and training arm and a programme for offenders, both pre and post release.
shmu often gives the ATUC a platform for getting our message across and delegates will remember that the Unit broadcast coverage of the St Andrew's Day March and Rally.