Saturday 28 October 2017


You are warmly invited to attend an evening to honour Aberdeen's International Brigaders on November 24, 2017 at 6.45pm in Aberdeen Town House Council Chambers.  

This will be followed by Music from 9pm at The Rusty Nail, 67 Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen.

The programme for the evening is as follows:

6.45pm Teas & Coffee

7pm Introduction by Tommy Campbell, Chair of Aberdeen 15th International Brigade Committee and welcome from the  Lord Provost

7.15 pm Presentation by Nina Londragan on the Aberdeen International Brigaders and their Connections to the First and Second World Wars as well as the Spanish Civil War followed by Question & Answers.

8pm Songs & Poems.

Please let Tommy Campbell know if you are planning to get along to either or both of these events.

Next ATUC Delegates meeting on Wednesday 1st November 2017 at 7.30pm

The next ATUC Delegates meeting will be held on Wednesday 1 November 2017 at 7.30pm within the ATUC premises at 22A Adelphi Aberdeen. 

As the 150th Anniversary of the ATUC in 2018 comes ever closer, this will be a key agenda item. This years St Andrews Day march and rally will also be on the Agenda.. 

We hope as many Delegates as possible can make it along.