Thursday 23 March 2017

Next ATUC Delegates' Meeting on Wed 5th April at 7.30pm - Pre-meeting at 6.30pm. All welcome!

The next Aberdeen Trades Union Council Delegates' meeting is due to take place on Wednesday 5 April 2017 at 7.30pm in John Londragan House, 22A Adelphi, Aberdeen. This is the first Delegates' meeting after the AGM with the newly elected officers in place.

The agenda has within it items to be discussed such as International Workers' Memorial Day on 28th April, Dundee TUC May Day March and Rally on 29th April and our own ATUC May Day March and Rally on 6th May.

We will also be discussing the ATUC 150th Anniversary proposed events and activities at a pre-meeting in the same venue at 6.30pm.

All Delegates welcome to both meetings and we hope as many delegates as possible are able to attend both meetings on the night.

Saturday 18 March 2017

ATUC marches against racism

Aberdeen Trades Union Council joined more than 3000 activists and trade unionists on the March Against Racism in Glasgow today (Sat 18 March).

Led by co-president Tyrinne Rutherford and joint secretaries, John Connon and Gerry McCabe, the ATUC banner and delegation took their place towards the front of the March as it snaked its way through Glasgow streets.

The marchers were noisy and good natured as they called for an end to racism and xenophobia, no deportations and no walls, and made it clear that refugees are welcome here. Shoppers stopped to watch the lively procession and even a few drops of rain couldn't dampen the marchers spirits and determination to fight racism and xenophobia in Scotland, the UK and across the world.

Steve Gray and Kate Ramsden were also amongst the marchers, adding their voices to the struggle for equality and social justice for all.

ATUC joins other Trades Union Councils
There were inspiring speeches including from Helen Connor, STUC President, from UNISON's Davena Rankin, from Richard Falk ex-UN Rapporteur on Palestine, and from Glasgow girls Emma and Amal amongst others.

They all had the same messages.

"We will not tolerate racism and fascism."

"We will welcome refugees and asylum seekers."

"Love has no borders."

Monday 13 March 2017

Free bus to Stand up to Racism March in Glasgow on Saturday 18th March. Book your seat now!

There is a March against Racism demo taking place in Glasgow on Saturday 18th March and it is important that as many of us as possible get along and join the massed voices to say that racism is not welcome in Scotland.

A free bus is going from Aberdeen to Glasgow and back to join the march and the organisers want as many people as possible to come along. So click on the link below to book a spot (or spots) on the bus, there is limited space so be fast!

Click here to book your seat.

Click here to find out more about the march

The bus will pick up people at 8.00am from the University campus (in front of the library) and then go to the central library and pick up people at 8.15 am. 

Hope to see you all there

"Palestine's Horizon - Toward a Just Peace" Hear Richard Falk, Former UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine

Please get along if you can and hear Richard Falk speak on 16th March at 6pm in New Kings, LT10, University of Aberdeen.

When he arrived in Tel Aviv airport leading an official UN delegation, Richard Falk was detained and expelled by Israel, who refused him entry to Palestine to gather data first hand. He nonetheless reported back to the United Nations in 2008 that "Israel maintains its Gaza siege in its full fury, allowing only barely enough food and fuel to enter to stave off mass famine and disease." He asked the UN to evaluate whether "Israeli civilian leaders and military commanders responsible for the Gaza siege should be indicted and prosecuted for violations of international criminal law". On December 27 that year Falk condemned Israel strikes on Gaza as "war crimes", collective punishment, and targetting of civilians. 

Falk was bitterly attacked by the US, Israel and the UK Governments for his findings. The murderous siege of Gaza continues in "in its full fury". Falk supports the Palestinian call for BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel until it concedes Palestinian rights.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Celebrate International Women's Day on Wed 8th March 2017

Aberdeen Trade Union Council invites you to rally at the Castlegate on Wednesday 8th March at 6:30 - 8pm to celebrate International Womens Day and show solidarity with women across the world. 

Kathleen Kennedy, ATUC Vice President said, "This is an impromptu event to stand in solidarity with women across Scotland, the UK and the World."

Click here to see the Facebook page

"Despite years of struggle women are still under-represented in many walks of life, we still earn less than our male counterparts and we are still most likely to suffer domestic abuse and other forms of male violence.

"We are appalled by Trump's attitude towards women as towards other minority groups and we need to stand together and shoe that this is unacceptable.

"Please come along and stand with us on Wednesday. Bring banners and placards." 

The theme of International Women's Day this year is  #BeBoldForChange. Organisers are calling on the masses and calling on individuals to help forge a better working world - a more gender inclusive world.

"Let's do our bit," urged Kathleen.