Monday 30 December 2013

ATUC Meeting January 2014

The next Aberdeen, Trades Union Council Delegates meeting, will take place on Wednesday 8 January 2014 at 7.30pm within the ATUC premises at John Londragan House, 22a Adelphi, Aberdeen.

Brian Carroll
ATUC Acting Secretary, Brian Carroll said, "This is the first Delegates meeting of the new year and will include debating what motions ATUC put to STUC Conference, whether or not a Special meeting is fixed for Delegates to debate an RMT OILC Resolution and matters in connection with the ATUC Annual Report 2013. We hope to see all Delegates next Wednesday."

Festive Greetings from Aberdeen Trades Union Council

ATUC would wish to convey a Merry Xmas to all affiliates, delegates, friends and supporters of ATUC and also wish them all a Happy New Year in the hope everyone enjoys the festive season and is fit to continue the struggles against austerity, in the new year, by looking after all our members' interests and furthering the cause for fair treatment, respect, dignity and equality for all at work and in life in general. Have a great time everybody. 

With thanks to Royan Fettes for the photo


Friday 27 December 2013

St Andrew’s Day March and Rally - Standing up for Equality, Justice and Respect

Christmas shoppers stopped to watch as trade unions and community groups, led by the rhythmic uplifting beat of the Guarana Drummers, marched along Union Street for equality, justice and respect.

The St Andrew’s Day March and Rally on 30th November 2013, was organised by the Aberdeen Trades Union Council along with community groups including Aberdeen Anti Fascist Alliance and Aberdeen Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. It made a colourful scene as the banners, UNISON's amongst them,  snaked down Union Street to the Rally at Marischall College.