Wednesday 23 November 2016

Celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the formation of the International Brigades

All friends and supporters of the International Brigade Memorial Trust, the Morning Star and Aberdeen TUC are invited to attend an event to commemorate and honour the Aberdonian International Brigaders on the 80th anniversary of the formation of the International Brigades.

The event will be held in the Town House, Broad Street , Aberdeen on Friday 25th November at 7pm to 9pm.

There will be presentations from relatives of the International Brigaders as follows --

Bob Cooney’s nephew Councillor Neil Cooney – an outline of the anti-fascist struggle in Aberdeen that lead up to the nineteen local men going to defend democracy and fight Fascism in Spain

John Londragan’s grand-daughter Nina Londragan – an outline of the lives of the five Aberdonians who died defending democracy and fighting Fascism on the battlefields of Spain

In addition Davy Kettyles , a senior Organiser with Unite in Ireland will give an outline on the role of the Irish International Brigaders who formed the Connolly Column in Spain many of whom also sacrificed their lives defending democracy and fighting Fascism in Spain.

There will also be poetry and songs throughout the evening.

This event is sponsored by the Aberdeen Morning Star Supports Group and the affiliated Unions of Aberdeen Trades Union Council.

All friends and supporters of the International Brigade Memorial Trust, the Morning Star and Aberdeen TUC are very welcome to attend.