The date and venue for the focus group is
Monday 27th May
6-8pm: Public Sector Workers
Unite Offices, 42-44 King Street, Aberdeen AB24 5TJ
Other focus groups have been CANCELLED but may be rearranged for later in June
All citizens are welcome to participate, including pensioners and trade union retired members.
If you would like to attend the public sector session, or would be interested in attending future sessions, please contact Sarah Collins:
Meantime you can take part by doing a survey at
Please do go on and complete the survey. It will help the research immensely.
This research has been conducted at the request of Aberdeen Trades Council and will consider the shape of economic growth/decline in the area and who has benefited from this growth and been impacted by decline.
Fiona Napier, ATUC Secretary said, “The Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire economy is of vital importance to the Scottish economy. Yet in recent years it has seen significant changes.
“The fall in oil and gas prices has led to a loss of offshore jobs and a change in the composition of the workforce.
“We are encouraging as wide a participation as possible to these events, to ensure all voices and opinions are represented. There will also be an online survey available for those who cannot attend in person.”

ATUC President, Sasha Brydon added, “The research will consider issues around austerity, particularly cuts across the public sector, decline in the oil and gas sector, transitioning to a low carbon economy, the move to decommissioning, future economic development and the delivery of big infrastructure projects.
“It will also consider the impact of spending decisions, both within the public and private sectors, how they interact with each other and ultimately how changes in the economy have impacted upon workers and their families in the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire areas.”