Thursday 13 May 2021

ATUC Statement in solidarity with Palestinian comrades

Aberdeen Trades Union Council (ATUC) strongly condemns illegal state-sanctioned attempts to forcibly expel Palestinian families from their homes in Sheik Jarrah, to allow them to be occupied by Israeli illegal settlers. 

The actions of the Israeli state demonstrate that the ‘Nakba’ (Catastrophe) of 1948, when 700 000 Palestinians were driven from their homes and became refugees, is still happening today.

The military provocations and violence taking place in Al Aqsa and now Gaza are not isolated events, but are instead just the latest examples of the oppression and aggression faced daily by the Palestinian population living either under a brutal military occupation in Gaza and West
Bank, or as second-class citizens within Israel.

The First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon MSP, the Leader of the Scottish Labour Party
Anas Sarwar MSP, and the Scottish Green Party have all strongly condemned Israel’s violence
and aggression and gross breaches of international law, and ATUC calls on elected officials
across Scotland to do the same.

The lack of action by the UK government in holding Israel to account in any meaningful way is
unacceptable and we call for an immediate halt to UK arms sales to Israel as a first step.

ATUC stands in solidarity with our Palestinian comrades, and we recognise and fully support the
role of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign in compelling Israel to adhere to
international law.