Wednesday 28 July 2021

ATUC Stands in Suport of Striking Housing Officers

The ATUC stands in suport of the Housing Officers and Housing Support Officers who have been forced to take strike action in order to protect services to tenants.  The four day strike is this week until Friday, with the the picket line outside of Marischal College from about 9am til lpm.

Aberdeen Trades Union Council wrote to Angela Scott, Chief Executive of Aberdeen City Council to express our concerns and support for the workers in dispute.

Angela Scott
Chief Executive
Aberdeen City Council

Dear Angela,

Ref: Unite Members on strike

Aberdeen Trades Union Council (ATUC) has received a report and update on the current dispute between Unite and Aberdeen City Council at our last monthly meeting.

ATUC fully supports the stand taken by the striking housing officers and housing support officers in order to protect the service to the tenants.

This is a very commendable and honourable stance for Unite members to take and its disappointing that the Council does not appear to want to resolve the dispute.

It appears to the ATUC that this is yet another cost savings only exercise by the City Council which does not appear to take on the concerns of the front line staff especially of the severe impact the Council's proposals would have on the council's tenants.

ATUC have always opposed Council cuts as the impact is always felt by the citizens who reply on the Council's services and in the case of this dispute the staff who would have to deal with the stress of detrimental changes to their roles in providing the much needed services to the tenants.

Can you advise if an equality impact assessment and associated H&S stress impact assessment has been carried out on the potential impact the proposed changes may have on both the staff and the council's tenants and if so have these assessments been shared with and discussed with the staff and the council's tenants as well.

We do hope that the dispute can be resolved soon.

We look forward to your reply

Yours sincerely
Graeme Farquhar
President, ATUC