The event will take place from 12 noon until 1.15pm. You can join us from our Facebook event by clicking HERE
It will be chaired by ATUC Executive member, Fiona Napier and will hear from trade unionists from local branches as well as speakers from further afield, representing Aberdeen Trades Union Council's commitment to international solidarity in the fight against racism and fascism. We will also have some music and poetry in the mix so it promises to be a lively and interesting event.
ATUC president, Graeme Farquhar, who will be opening the event said: "Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland has a proud history of opposing racism and fascism and of international solidarity.
"We are proud to see this tradition continue as we welcome refugees and asylum seekers from Syria and Afghanistan as well as migrants from many other countries and other parts of Scotland and the UK.
"But we must be constantly vigilant as we see attempts including by this UK Tory government, to demonise migrants and asylum seekers and to sow division.
"Like the STUC event, our rally today will underline our commitment to root out racism and fascism in all its forms and to send the message loud and clear. Refugees are welcome here."