Sunday 19 June 2022

ATUC protests cost of living crisis and demands rich pay their fair share

Aberdeen Trades Union Council delegates were out on the streets protesting cost of living rises that are crippling working people and forcing the poorest to choose between eating and heating their homes.

Whilst president Graeme Farquhar took the ATUC banner to London and joined Kate Ramsden, Kathleen Kennedy, Andrew Burns and 100,000 other marchers on the TUC "We demand better" march and rally, other delegates were at a stall in St Nicholas Square, Aberdeen, making the arguments locally for action to deal with the crisis.

Graeme said, "It was an uplifting event and great to march with so many like minded people.

"It was also great to see so many women in the leadership of our union movement."

Kate added, "The speakers were all brilliant and all gave the same message. There is no need for this cost of living crisis. It is a political choice.

"Putting more money in the pockets of our members would not only be good for them but good for their communities and the economy as a whole. We are the ones who spend in our local shops and businesses. For every £ we earn, around 70p goes back into the local economy."

Tommy Campbell, Gerry McCabe, Simon Watson, Scott Sutherland and Steve Gray were among those protesting in Aberdeen.

"We are amongst the six richest countries in the world," said Tommy. "It is shameful that anyone is going hungry. 

"We need above inflation pay rises and an increase in benefits to make sure everyone has enough to live, not to barely survive.

"According to the Sunday Times Rich List, 250 people in the UK are worth between them £710.723bn,  an 8% rise on last year. That just shows that the money is there.

"It's just not good enough to see more and more children growing up in poverty while the rich get even richer. That has to change," slammed Tommy.