Sunday 23 July 2023

Protesters demand an end to austerity - enough is enough

Aberdeen Trades Union Council delegates joined trade unionists, community groups and citizens to protest the cost of living crisis and cuts to public services on the back of the Tory government's austerity agenda.

They joined protests all over the country by the People's Assembly to condemn its disproportionate impact on the poorest in our communities, including our children, to protest the growth in poverty, the rise in foodbanks and the erosion of wages and conditions for all workers whilst the wealthiest in society amass more and more wealth.

Organised by Aberdeen is Scunnered and ATUC, and chaired by UNISON's Laura McDonald, speakers came from all parts of our communities in the North East, protesting cuts and injustice. 

Laura welcomed the protesters saying, "We are becoming increasingly concerned about how this cost-of-living crisis is continuing to affect people living in Aberdeen.

"We are proud to be here today along with hundreds of thousands of people right across the UK as part of the People's Assembly National Day of Action.

"We stand together to say loudly that enough is enough."

Tommy Campbell

Tommy Campbell from ATUC and Unite retired members read out the demands of the People's Assembly Against Austerity - including demanding an end to poverty and especially child poverty.

"We must continue to strive to end poverty for women, children and men. Poverty is the thief of dreams," warned Tommy.

"Let's stand together united in solidarity and continue the campaign to end poverty," he urged.

Other speakers echoed these points highlighting the impact of the closures of libraries, swimming pools and the threat to the community of Torry with the loss of St Fittick's Park.

The Guarana Drummers' stirring beats inspired those present to keep up the fight for equality and social justice for all.

Laura McDonald

Linda Carmichael, WASPI

Leigh-Anne Adams, Grampian Health

Jonathan Russell, CND

Guarana Drummers

Other speakers

Kirsty Fraser