Sunday 4 February 2024

"The Big Lie" screening on Tuesday 5 March at 7pm in Arts Centre - please come along

 Aberdeen Trades Union Council, along with the Morning Star in Scotland has organised a screening of "Oh Jeremy Corbyn The Big Lie" on Tuesday 5 March at 7pm in the Cafe Bar, Arts Centre, Aberdeen with a Q&A to follow. 

Sign up for tickets at Eventbrite

"The Big Lie" is a film about the grassroots movement that propelled Jeremy Corbyn to become leader of the Labour Party and took Britain to the threshold of huge political change. What happened and why did it all fall apart? Directed by Ken Loach, this film explores a dark and murky story of political deceit and outrageous antisemitic smears. It also uncovers the critical role played by current Labour leader, Keir Starmer and asks if the movement which backed Corbyn could rise again.

We will be joined after it by Matt Kerr and Keith Stoddart of the Morning Star in Scotland, who will lead a discussion and answer questions on the film.

Free but donations welcome on the door