Tuesday 31 January 2023

Protect the Right to Strike rally 1st Feb – please join us

Aberdeen Trades Union Council is calling urgently on all our affiliates and associate members to join a rally at St Nicholas Square, Aberdeen at 5.30pm on 1st Feb to protect our right to strike. 

The rally is organised by Aberdeen Trades Union Council and will be part of a nationwide day of action against the bill which was passed in the Commons last night.

Kathleen Kennedy, Vice President said: “This is the biggest legislative attack on workers’ and human rights that we have seen so far and is just the latest in a long list of such attacks by this Tory government.

“We are calling on everyone who can to come and join this protest.

"We appreciate that this is short notice but the passing of this bill last night in the Commons makes it imperative that we have a visible and vocal response. 

"We urge you to share this widely and encourage you members, families and friends to join the protest. Please bring placards and banners."