Monday 9 January 2023

Affiliations due for 2023

▶ ATUC Trade Union Affiliations

ATUC Affiliations

Thanks to your support the ATUC continued its work throughout 2022 with a large number of events, demos and attendance to support striking workers!  We very much hope your trade union will support us once again by affiliating for 2023.

We can only exist because trade union branches support us, and whether your branch has been a long time affiliate, or you wish to join us for the first time this year, we’d be very happy for your support.

Affiliating/Renewing is simple and easy to do online – just click the link and complete the form. We will then send an invoice to the branch contact you nominate.

If your branch already affiliates, but you know of other branches or unions who don’t then please send this email on to them – spread the word!

▶ Book your Annual Report Adverts!

It's that time of year again, and the ATUC are looking for organisations to help sponsor our 2022 annual report, to be published in the new year, by taking out adverts to be included in the publication. You can view last year’s report as well.

Organisations taking adverts in this way allow us to produce the well-respected Annual Report each year which is distributed to trade union and other organisations, as well as being made available at the annual STUC conference. It's a great way to get your branch or organisation noticed, as well as helping us to cover the costs of producing the report.

Annual Report advert costs are as follows (please note we are now basing advert costs on page size, as all are now available in colour due to the new printing process we use):
Full-page - £200.00
Half-page - £100.00
Quarter-page - £50.00

To make it even easier you can now submit your annual report advert request online, including uploading your copy ready artwork/poster. We'll then invoice you for the selected amount. If you don’t have your artwork ready yet, you can still book and then send the artwork in later.

To book your advert please ensure you complete our online form as that allows us to track invoices appropriately!

To book your advert in the annual report just complete our online form.

▶ Send us your Annual Report Articles!

As we say goodbye to 2022, this year's annual report will show the huge groudswell of industrial action taken by union members in defence of their pay and conditions. We would like to encourage all our affiliates and associate organisations to provide a report on your work over this year. We usually ask for an A4 page of type in Arial 12pt but we would be happy with just a couple of paragraphs on your branch's/organisations' experience to ensure we can include as many affiliates as possible in this Annual Report.

Articles can be submitted to and we would be grateful to receive them as soon as possible, and ideally by 31st January 2022.