Sunday 26 February 2023

Aberdeen TUC calls for public protest against proposed City Council budget cuts

Aberdeen Trades Union Council has called for a public protest against cuts proposed by Aberdeen City Council which 
includes ending the financial support of £1.5 million to the Fairer Aberdeen Fund.

This proposal along with all the financial cuts proposed will have a detrimental and catastrophic effect on many community organisations in Aberdeen, who are giving critical support to people hardship and poverty due to the cost of living crisis.

The council is meeting this Wednesday 1st March at 10.30am to set its annual budget. Councillors are considering cuts of £40 million.

Graeme Farquhar, President of Aberdeen TUC, said today: “We are calling on all trade unionists, community organisations and members of the public to join us for a public protest at 10am on Wednesday 1st March outside the Town House on Broad Street." 

He continued “The purpose of the public protest is to lobby the City councillors with our message that "Enough is Enough" and that they should continue to maintain funding to the community organisations that are helping the people of Aberdeen to alleviate the hardship and poverty they are suffering because of the cost of living crisis".

He concluded “We will be requesting the right to address the City councillors during the budget meeting this Wednesday, as we demand the right to be heard. Our message is clear, there should be no cuts to community organisations nor to council jobs and services".

Aberdeen TUC is also encouraging community organisations to make the same request to be heard, by writing to the Lord Provost of Aberdeen asking that they be allowed to address the City councillors too.