Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Aberdeen Trade Union Council stands with our Turkish and Kurdish brothers and sisters

Aberdeen Trade Union Council has sent our deepest condolences and also our support and solidarity to our Turkish and Kurdish brothers and sisters in the trade union confederations in Turkey, KESK and DISK, along with the Engineers and Architects Association and the Medical Association, who were at the demonstration and rally in Ankara on Saturday which was attacked by two bomb blasts.

This has resulted in the death of over 100 people with many hundreds more being injured. The demonstration was called under the slogan of ‘Labour for Peace.’

We condemn this attack on trade unionists in peaceful protest and we mourn the loss of life.

Our message reads

"Aberdeen Trades Union Council sends our deepest condolences on the tragic loss of so many of your members’ lives at the Labour, Peace and Democracy Rally in Ankara on Saturday. We also send our deepest sympathy to the families and friends of the victims, and our hopes for a full recovery for all those injured in the attack.

Aberdeen Trade Union Council joins with other trade unions and civic society in condemning this brutal attack on trade unionists campaigning in support of peace, democracy and workers’ rights, and against the increasing violence and repression that the people of Turkey are suffering. We support the call for a full, transparent and independent investigation into the circumstances of the attack and its aftermath.

We stand in solidarity with our comrades in KESK and DISK in the difficult weeks and months ahead as you struggle to come to terms with the tragic events of Saturday’s attack, and as you continue to work bravely and tirelessly for democracy, peace and rights."

Alan Robertson, President, ATUC

Kate Ramsden, Vice-President, ATUC