Sunday 11 October 2015

Remembering those who fought and died in the Spanish Civil War - A weekend of activities and the IBMT AGM

The International Brigade Memorial Trust AGM will be held this year in Aberdeen on Saturday 17th October. As well as the AGM itself, a range of events and activities have been organised over the weekend.

Click here for more information on the IBMT website

Tommy Campbell, of Unite who has had a key role in organising the event said, "All are welcome to come along to all the events apart from AGM itself on Saturday afternoon which is for IBMT members only.

"Also, don't forget march on Sunday from St Nicholas Kirk to the Castlegate when all unions, branches, community, anti fascist, affiliated groups and comrades will be led by a pipe band to the Castlegate for a farewell to our comrades and friends who came to Aberdeen for this event.

"It should be a great weekend and hope you can make it!"