Monday 19 October 2015

International Brigades remembered at the AGM weekend in Aberdeen

The 2015 AGM of the International Brigade Memorial Trust was a huge success as delegates from across the UK, Ireland, Germany amongst other countries came together in Aberdeen.

Unveiling of the plaque to
Bob Cooney by Neil Cooney
The weekend saw the unveiling of two plaques, one to Bob Cooney and the other to John Londragan who gives his name to the ATUC premises, John Londragan House, both of whom fought in Spain.

Brian Carroll of the ATUC said, "Congratulations to Tommy Campbell and all those involved in hosting the International Brigade Memorial Trust AGM in Aberdeen.

"We also owe a big thank you to Aberdeen City Council for hosting a civic reception for AGM delegates on the Friday evening and for providing the venues for all the events that took place over the weekend.

"Aberdeen saw many of its citizens go to Spain to fight fascism during the Spanish Civil War, some of whom died during the conflict. The bloodstained flag which became a shroud for two of the fallen, is displayed in the ATUC office.

Replica flag
"A replica made by RGU students was carried in today's March by the granddaughter and great granddaughter of one of those buried in its folds."

The Kirk of St Nicholas held a service dedicated in remembrance of all the International Brigadiers who lost their lives, specifically our Aberdeen comrades who courageously fought the fascists in Spain.

The IBMT AGM weekend was brought to a fitting close by a march led by the stirring music of a pipe band, from St Nicholas Kirk to the Castlegate where a rally was held.

Brian Carroll added, "This was a great weekend which also saw IBMT comrades attend the Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign Demo on the Saturday - a showing of solidarity and support for oppressed peoples that has its roots in what they were in Aberdeen to commemorate."

Video of the march:

 More photos:
Banners at the unveiling of the plaques

Tommy Campbell at the unveiling of
Bob Cooney's plaque

The plaque in memory of Brigader Bob Cooney

Laura McDonald addresses the rally at the
Castlegate on behalf of the ATUC

Brigade banner at the Castlegate

Delegates to the IBMT AGM join the ATUC to support the SPSC demo
on 17th October  to call for justice, freedom, democracy and peace for Palestine;
to support BDS, isolate Israel and stop occupation and oppression.