Friday 19 August 2022

ATUC sends solidarity to striking rail workers

 Aberdeen trades union council sends solidarity and support to our colleagues in the RMT union, striking for better pay and for safe working practices on our railways.

RMT members took action on Thursday 18 August and will strike again tomorrow 20th August. 

There will be picket lines in Aberdeen tomorrow from 8 till 10am then again from 1 till 3pm. Please go along and support the strikers if you can.

Unite retired member and ATUC delegate, Tommy Campbell, who joined the picket line yesterday said: "No one knows better than us in the North East of Scotland the importance of safety on the railways.

"Only last week we mourned the second anniversary of the Carmont rail tragedy when two of our trade union colleagues and a passenger lost their lives as a result of failures to keep the railway safe.

"We stand in complete solidarity with out comrades in the RMT and with all other trade unions taking action for decent inflation proof pay rises and to ensure that services can be safely delivered to our citizens."

With thanks to Tommy for the photos.